PRF Composite Materials' new groundbreaking tooling prepreg technology: Q.tool® (UK Patent Pending)
Q.tool® is a newly designed tooling prepreg technology which significantly reduces the time and costs of carbon tool manufacture. Using PRF’s class-leading RP800 epoxy tooling prepreg system, the combination of Q.tool’s uniquely designed surface and 1020gsm bulk plies provides the same weight and thickness as a 1:8:1 system, and offers significant advantages against a 1:5:1 system.
Q.tool® offers the constructor:
- up to 50% reduction in labour time;
- reduced number of debulks to as few as one;
- improved sustainability and cost savings, with reduced use of plastic consumables;
- exceptional drapeability and surface finish.
Watch the material's drapeability in action! With thanks to the constructor: Supernatural-x